A growing sense of global community
When kindred communities find ways to build safe spaces for the expression, the cultural or spiritual awareness and economic growth of their members, that also means others who used to profit from said communities not having these spaces and tools may try to hinder the process. That's why the "black first" movement is spreading beyond national and language barriers.

Many people don't seem to be aware of the complexity behind a single word that keeps popping up in public discourse and international media more and more:
A vast majority seems to think it's all about the money and to be fair, there are reasons behind that line of thinking which I won't go into here, even if money is somewhat at the core of the topic I'm addressing today.
The void created by centuries of subjugation, exploitation, colonial history and racial injustice has been ignored for too long by black communities in euro-centric societies and spaces worldwide. An optimistic belief in the willingness of others to right the wrongs may be why the uptake in calls for black communities to support black-owned businesses has been slow in coming in some countries and territories.
With most of our lives now impacted by the internet, the online spaces controlled by non-black companies have mostly failed to manage their platforms in a manner that would provide a safe space for black voices or a safe experience for black users and consumers.
Worse, issues which are of interest to a primarily black audience are only featured adequately in mainstream media outlets when they somehow echo events impacting other groups and when independent journalists, content creators, social commentators try to provide access to information using video-based platforms or social media, they often find themselves dealing with censorship.
Some accounts and channels have been shutdown for no reason other than the fact that their content was not tailored to make white users comfortable.
Those who saw it was a waste of time and energy to beg for better treatment at someone else's party have been busy launching their own social platforms, news websites and dedicated online spaces to provide safe spaces for black voices, to highlight the work of black creators and business owners and to nurture self-awareness, self-love, education, personal and economic growth.
If that's not self-reparations... what is?
Some projects are at advanced stages of development while others may still need a little support and time to be truly amazing, as they are brought to life by people who typically don't benefit from the same banking and funding options available to their more established competitors but they all have been created to try to cater to existing needs in the extended diaspora of people of predominantly African descent.
The trend isn't limited to the English-speaking diaspora either. Some of these initiatives come in other colonial languages like French and it's important to understand that the willingness to support and buy from black businesses is there in spite of national borders and artificial obstacles such as inadequate available shipping options (often due to deliberate misinformation about territories with a predominantly black population) or language barriers.
People of predominantly African descent and heritage are now, more than ever, ready to embrace quality products, contents and services designed by their extended global community and that's the reason why some black-owned platforms have a dedicated section to showcase black businesses with no geographic restriction.
This very platform is a good example of having a safe space for black writers and journalists to post content of interest to a primarily black audience.
Others are more focused on entertainment, on the "buying black" movement while some attempt to emulate popular apps and social media platforms.
Let's hope the trend keeps growing worldwide as it's certainly a path to empowerment of every sort for our communities.
IKYG.com a safe space to get access to social commentary educational videos and live streams where you can also promote your business, provided you meet the owner's main requirement.
Buyblack4life a space for black businesses to advertise and support each other
Black Wallstreet Media, a dedicate media platform...
Our Black truth (OBT social), an alternative to mainstream social networks (app)
A French language black news platform dealing with French black spaces and with international news...
Black junction tv an alternative to platforms offering user-based video content... Sadly, it seems to have ceased all operations at this time.
The owner was struggling to find stable funding streams/financial support in spite of huge efforts to take the website to the next level by building two beautiful apps, one for videos and one more social. You can still get an idea of what it was like by looking at their Google play app pages.
Without support from the communities they're built for, these platforms can only exist for so long...
A couple of others that are still in working order at the time of writing:
A Guadeloupean entertainment platform with original content...