Launch of consultation Strengthening Protections in Unregistered Alternative Provision
Launch of consultation Strengthening Protections in Unregistered Alternative Provision

The Department for Education is pleased to announce the launch of their consultation “Strengthening Protections in Unregistered Alternative Provision.”
This consultation is the next step in delivering on the government’s commitment to improving experiences and outcomes for children in unregistered alternative provision. It builds on the findings from their previous Call for Evidence “Understanding the use of unregistered alternative provision” the findings of which have helped shape this consultation.
They would like to say thank you again to all those who contributed responses to the call for evidence which were very helpful.
Through the consultation they are seeking views on new policy proposals designed to clarify the circumstances in which unregistered alternative provision should be used, strengthen the national and local oversight of unregistered alternative provision, and increase protections for those it supports and educates. They believe that, if implemented, the approach laid out in the consultation will help to protect and improve outcomes for all children this diverse sector supports and educates.
The consultation will run for a total of eight weeks, closing on Friday 5th July.
They are interested in hearing from anyone involved in commissioning, overseeing or delivering unregistered alternative provision. They would also like to hear from those receiving education in unregistered alternative provision and from those who care or support them. This includes schools, local authority teams, representatives of unregistered alternative provision settings, parents and carers of children who receive education at unregistered alternative provision settings. Please forward this article with the details of this consultation to any colleagues who you feel may be interested or professional networks or other individuals who may have views.
Throughout the consultation period they will be holding a series of stakeholder events and are keen to hear from as many parts of the sector and as many viewpoints as possible. If you wish to participate then please respond to this email address
Article by Alton Anderson