Shining with Purpose: The Inspirational Journey of Nate, Co-Salutatorian at Cornerstone Christian College Prep 2024

Nate is a passionate advocate and inspirational figure. His love for GOD and thirst for learning and knowledge drive him to excel and grow continuously. Nate is a beacon of hope and a powerful voice for young people, especially African American males. Nate has a big heart for people. He doesn’t like to see people hurt or taken advantage of. With his unwavering faith and dedication, Nate shines brightly, inspiring those around him to strive for greatness and make a positive impact. His unique blend of passion, advocacy, and leadership sets him apart as a true trailblazer and a source of inspiration for many. As a graduate of Cornerstone Christian College Prep Day and High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana, founded by Dr. Oscar J. Nelson Dowdell-Underwood, Nate is the 2024 Co-Salutatorian.
Leticia: Who is Nate, and can you share your high school journey with us?
Nate: I am Nathaniel “Nate” Davis, and my high school journey with Cornerstone Christian College Prep was amazing. There are so many words I can use to explain to you how valuable this school is to me. Under the tutelage of Dr. Nelson Dowdell-Underwood, this school has blessed me with the knowledge and principles that I need for my journey ahead. For that, I am extremely Grateful.
Leticia: What role has Dr. Underwood and C-Prep played in shaping who you are?
Nate: Dr. Nelson Dowdell-Underwood has played an enormous role in my life because he saw that I had potential, and something in me set me apart from many other young people. So, he brought that potential out of me during my time there. He told me that GOD would use me to help people worldwide for GOD’S Glory. He has inspired, taught, mentored, and even called me one of his own. I honor and am grateful for him teaching me the knowledge and wisdom I need to continue to walk under the umbrella of GOD.
Leticia: What is your favorite quote by Dr. Underwood and why?
Nate: My Favorite Quote by Dr. Nelson Dowdell-Underwood is, “Imagine yourself Achieving, then do it!” The reason that is my favorite quote is that to do something, it has to be first thought about (Imagined), then you have to step into it and make it a reality by Faith. This quote encapsulates how I think about my future accomplishments.
Leticia: How has C-Prep GOD’S I Am Possible School of Hope fostered your relationship with GOD and yourself?
Nate: C-Prep GOD’S I Am Possible School of Hope helped me get closer to GOD by studying HIS Word. C-Prep strengthens all of its students’ relationships with GOD because without knowing GOD, you cannot receive HIS Blessings. My relationship with GOD has gotten stronger with the help of C-Prep and Dr. Nelson Dowdell-Underwood.
Leticia: What are your dreams and aspirations?
Nate: My dreams and aspirations are to become a litigation Attorney and own a few businesses. I will do it all for the GLORY OF GOD and not only for my benefit but for the Hope and the Help of Humanity.
Leticia: What obstacles or challenges have you faced during high school, and how did you overcome them?
Nate: An obstacle I faced in high school was being online, but at the same time, GOD Blessed C-Prep through our headmaster, Dr. Nelson Dowdell-Underwood, the Grace of Anointed Technology. Anointed Technology is defined as Technology set aside for the LORD’S Use and HIS Use only.
Leticia: With all the extracurricular activities you are involved in, how did you balance academic excellence and leadership outside the classroom?
Nate: At C-Prep, we are taught to go above and beyond in everything we do as well as doing it to Glorify GOD and not ourselves. It is no challenge. When you are doing the Lord’s Work, there is no getting tired or fatigued. Wherever you may be in the world, you represent GOD first and yourself; you want people to see the GOD in you before they see your flaws and imperfections because HE, the Almighty GOD, is Perfect in every area.
Leticia: What advice would you give another African American male trying to decide whether or not to go to college?
Nate: Some advice I would give another Black African-American about whether or not to go to college: firstly pray, pray to GOD, and let GOD lead you in the right path so you can fulfill the assignment you were put on earth to fulfill. Don’t move before GOD because everything works in HIS Time. “Time did not start on its own; Time started with GOD” – Dr. NDU.
Leticia: How has Anointed Technology cause you to self-discover and activate your personal possibleness so that you can make the difference in life after C-Prep?
Nate: Anointed Technology helped me self-discover through the Seminars that Dr. NDU taught at C-Prep while some people all over the world were suffering mentally, emotionally, and physically. I was learning more about myself while being isolated from the world. Because I know myself better than anybody else and GOD released the principles through C-Prep and Dr. NDU, I was able to activate my Inherent Possibleness to make a difference.
Leticia: If GOD had not given C-Prep the Grace of Anointed Technology, what would have happened to me?
Nate: If GOD had not released Anointed Technology to nations when COVID came into existence, I would have been destroyed because the needed knowledge had not been taught or exposed. I am grateful to GOD for allowing me to use Anointed Technology all these years so I could discover more about myself and the creative ability that HE blessed me with.