Why foster?

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Why foster?

Why foster?

Children in our
community are in need of
stable, loving homes to
achieve their best future
and fulfil their potential.

"Our foster
mum makes
sure we do our

Any persons child can end up in foster care, as it can be a thin line between coping and not being able to for many parents and children alike.

Every day in Lambeth a new child comes into our care for all different reasons and
we urgently need more foster carers to give them the love and
support they deserve.

Fostering means looking after someone else’s child because their
birth family are unable to. That can vary from short-term foster care
to having a child or young people with you for a long time.

As a foster
carer, you’ll look after children as if they were your own – in a loving
home environment. You’ll need to be sensitive to the challenges
they’ll face after separation from their families and any additional
trauma they may have been through, such as abuse or neglect.

There are many different types of foster care, and we’re sure there’s
one that works for you.

For example, you could provide short-term
respite care to children with disabilities to allow their parents a break.

Or, if you have the space, you could help us keep a family together by
caring for siblings. If you work 9 to 5, you may find it easier to foster
older children who are more independent.

When you foster for Lambeth, you get a rebate of your council tax if you are actively fostering for us.
— 24-7 out-of-hours support from a dedicated social worker and
our team, 365 days of the year
— two weeks’ (14 days) paid respite each year
— a £500 referral bonus if you refer a friend who becomes an
approved, active foster carer for Lambeth
— among the most competitive fees and allowances in London.

— Fostering Network membership and the opportunity to join our
active fostering support group
— priority (before a private fostering agency) when a child is looking
for a placement
— a thorough induction programme
— your own dedicated supervising social worker (SSW)
— ongoing training and development opportunities throughout
the year
— peer mentorship to newly approved carers run by our most
experienced foster carers.

Why do we need
foster carers like you?

Lambeth is a diverse borough. Our children come from a wide range
of backgrounds, cultures and ethnic groups. And so we need carers
who are diverse too. Your sexuality, marital status, age, religion,
disability and whether or not you own your home will not determine
your ability to become a foster carer. However, there are a few
criteria you must meet.

You need to:
— be over 21 years old
— have a spare bedroom
— be a full-time resident in the UK or have indefinite leave to remain
— have good spoken and written English
We consider applications from people who are working, but you will
need to have some flexibility to meet all the needs of any child in
your care.

We would love to hear from you!
If you have any questions about fostering, please contact us today
for an informal chat and more information:
Call: 020 7926 8710
Email: fosteringduty@lambeth.gov.uk

Find out more: www.lambeth.gov.uk/foster
If you would prefer to speak to someone in person, come
along to one of our events.

See when the next one is at

Make an enquiry
Call us, complete our website e-form or
email us. We will come back to you within
two days if you make an online or
email enquiry.

We will come and visit you
Within a week of making your enquiry,
we will set up a home visit.
We'll do a formal assessment
We'll carry out health, criminal record
checks and references to help us
determine your suitability to foster.

Skills to foster training
You'll be invited to a four-day training
course to learn more about what
fostering involves.

You will attend our fostering panel
When we have completed your assessement,
we will produce a report for our fostering
panel. Following this meeting, the panel will
make a final recommendation.
You become a foster carer.

Once you have been assessed as
suitable for fostering, you will join our
team. We will introduce you to our
support staff and begin the introduction.

So if you feel you have more to give, and that could be enough to meet a child's needs?

Get In touch.